Falling in love – game theory style! | with Christina Gravert
March 30, 2021
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March 30, 2021

In this episode, Christina Gravert shares her personal experience from using online dating apps and how she applied game theoretic principles to maximise her chances for finding the perfect match. It turns out that the use of dating apps like tinder can be modelled as a game, leading to useful insights for your best “swiping strategy”. We also discuss the link between dating apps and game theoretic concepts like “cheap talk” or the “optimal stopping” problem. Christina Gravert is an assistant professor of economics at the University of Copenhagen and the cofounder of Impactually, a behavioral science consultancy. Her research is field is behavioural economics with focus on environmental sustainability, health and charitable giving. If you want to know more about her academic work, you can check out her homepage: https://www.christinagravert.com/ Our interview with Christina is based on her article at behavioralscientist.org, which also contains some interesting links on related articles.

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The Nuts and Bolts of e-Auctions | with Jacob Larsen
March 16, 2021
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March 16, 2021

In this episode we are talking with Jacob Larsen, expert on digital Procurement, about the nuts and bolts of e-auctions and why companies are still struggling to realize their full potential. We discuss the key ingredients needed for a successful e-auction, common misconceptions surrounding the topic and how to avoid looming pitfalls when first getting started with e-auctions. Jacob Larsen is an expert on Procurement in the digital age and author of the book "A Practical Guide to E-Auctions for Procurement". Currently the Head of Digital Procurement at Maersk, a danish integrated shipping company, the largest of its kind, Jacob knows the practical side of e-auctions like the back of his hand and summarized this knowledge together with the theory behind it in his book. If you want to discuss how the concepts introduced in Jacob’s book can help your organization to increase the use of e-auctions, you are welcome to reach out to him via LinkedIn or email (Jacob.larsen@maersk.com). You can also find the book e.g. on Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/-/de/gp/product/B08PPZWRH3/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0).

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How game theory can keep cognitive biases in check and improve companies’ interactions with customers | with Nafa Ben Haddej
March 2, 2021
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March 2, 2021

In this episode we are talking to Nafa Ben Haddej, behavioural scientist, about his latest insights on the value of game theory in both individual and group decision making in professional environments. Together we explore how setting the right incentives can reduce (often unconscious) cognitive biases in corporate decision dynamics and promote better customer outcomes. Nafa Ben Haddej is a behavioural scientist who has devoted his professional life to understanding human interactions within companies and across their interactions with their customers. After graduating in Behavioural and Economic Science from The University of Warwick, Nafa took different behavioural science roles spanning both the private and public sectors and is currently applying his passion for behavioural science at NatWest Group, working in behavioural risk audit.

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Never underestimate the power of signals – game theory in frequency auctions | with Stephan Knapek
February 16, 2021
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February 16, 2021

In 2020, the Nobel prize for economics was awarded to Robert Wilson and Paul Milgrom for their contributions to complex auction formats. In this episode of Game Changer, Stephan Knapek, Managing Partner at TWS Partners, talks about frequency auctions as a practical application of such complex auction formats. He explains why the state uses auctions to allocate frequency bands to telecom providers, and how these auctions are structured. He also gives insights to the strategies of the bidders, and shows how some of them exploit flaws and loopholes in the auction ruleset in order to send signals to their competitors. If you want to read more on this topic – and if you are fluent in German – you can check out Stephan’s articles in the German newspaper Handelsblatt, where he commented on the developments of the German 5G frequency auction in 2019: https://www.tws-partners.com/about-us/media/press-news/handelsblatt-5g-auction-in-germany/

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Online reviews – How you are fooled by them and why game theory can improve their trustworthiness | with Paolo Turrini
February 2, 2021
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February 2, 2021

Ratings, reviews, stars and points – we all strongly rely on online reviews when we shop online. But can we really trust them? And is there something we can do to make them more reliable? The research of Paolo Turrini, associate professor at the university of Warwick, is focussed on mechanism design of social networks. In this episode, he explains why ratings are so important in online markets, how they are often manipulated, and how clever game theoretic considerations can make them more trustworthy. In the interview, Paolo mentions the spoof restaurant “the shed at Dulwich”, which made to the top of the Trip Advisor list despite being non-existent. You can check out their homepage here: https://www.theshedatdulwich.com/menu You can find more on Paolo’ research on his homepage: https://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~pturrini/

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Carbon neutral – the smart way: How game theory can help companies to reduce carbon gas emissions | with Christian Paul
January 19, 2021
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January 19, 2021

In this episode Christian Paul, principal at TWS Partners, explains why many companies are struggling to reach their targets in reducing carbon gas emissions. He argues that this challenge is fundamentally connected to how companies set their internal targets and how the mechanisms are designed to reach these targets. Here, game theory can create incentive structures to effectively reduce carbon emissions – and more importantly - internally identify opportunities to reduce these emissions at the lowest internal costs. Christian mentions the annual letter from Larry Fink, CEO of the investment company Blackrock (you can find the letter here: https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/investor-relations/larry-fink-ceo-letter). We were talking to Christian last year, so he is referring to Larry Fink’s letter from January 2020

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